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Which Lipstick Colors to Avoid if You Have Yellow Teeth

"Your teeth are stained by coffee, tobacco, wine..."  What can you do about it? 

Lipstick and yellow teeth: what's the connection? If your teeth are naturally white, you've nothing to worry about. But if they are somewhat tinged yellow, be careful! Know that some lipstick colors can affect your teeth, for they can make your teeth appear more or less yellow.

So (...drum roll and wide-eyed...) which lipsticks should you choose when you have yellow teeth?

So yeah, you're right, one day the trend will be #proudofmyyellowchomper, just like current trends are #ilovemyacne and #itreasuremystretchmarks. It's hard to be so far ahead of your time. But don't worry, it will come. In the meantime, we'll choose a lipstick that "bleaches," am I right? 

Lipstick Colors to Avoid With Yellow Teeth

"Open your mouth and say Ahhhh!" Today, Dr. Tiger is going to give you some tips on how to choose a lipstick tint that will revive the brightness of your teeth. The subject's not so sexy, but hey, we might as well be upfront, right? 

You certainly know the whole arsenal of protocols to bleach yellow teeth: bleaching kits, expert toothpastes, foods to avoid, dental procedures... But lipstick also plays a role. If your teeth are on the yellow side, it's best to carefully choose the right lipstick color.

Let's start with the bad news for those with yellow teeth. To avoid making it worse, it's best to stay away from shades that contain yellow, such as oranges, rusts, and peaches, for there's a lack of contrast with your enamel. Yes, these shades are sublime, yes, they go well with everyone... But if your teeth are yellow, these tones will alter your smile...and that would be a pity, wouldn't it?

You'll also want to stay away from violet, as its blue undertones can also have a slightly yellowing optical effect. Ditto for neon green or yellow: we avoid at all costs.

3 Lipstick Colors That "Whiten" Teeth

It's just an optical illusion, but hey, it's already something! So good news: if some colors tend to increase the look of yellowed teeth, others will rather neutralize this effect. Here are three ideal shades for those with yellow teeth. And in a natural and vegan version, it's even better, no?

ALL TIGERS Lipstick in RED 888 = This beautiful red, pure and timeless, is the ideal ally of yellow teeth. We hardly notice them anymore!

ALL TIGERS Lipstick in FUCHSIA 786 = Lively, vivid, colorful, this fuchsia pink makes you look radiant... Ditto for your teeth.  

ALL TIGERS Lipstick in PEACH 682 = it soften the lines, freshens up your complexion… a sweet aura that your teeth also enjoy!

Whether you're #TeamWhiteTeeth or #TeamYellowTeeth, the queen of the jungle is YOU. You want to take the reins of ALL TIGERS? There’s one thing you can do: follow us on Instagram and let your voice be heard.  We consult our community every step of the way. Ready to roar? ROAARRR!  

[Photo: SHINE TANG ]

1 comment


Bonjour je ne savait pas qu’il fallait éviter les tons de orange quand ont a les dents jaunes mois mes gencives qui sont jaunes dois je arreter de porter des,couleurs orange et d’adopter d’autres teintes Merci

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