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Should I Match Lipstick and Nail Lacquer Colors?

Cécile's article from the blog Les Confidences de Lizzie


Matching lipstick to nail lacquer is a recurring question. Is it a good idea to match the shades? Should the two products instead contrast? What's our opinion? We let you in on everything! :-)

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Lipstick and Nail Lacquer: Should They Go Together?

Well, it depends... 

During the early 2000s, the trend was to match. Indeed, many brands had launched matching lipsticks and lacquers. To avoid mix-and-match mistakes, makeup product names across brands ended up being the same. This has been the case since, with assortments of red, pink, or nude that share the same names.

But we are queens of the jungle, are we not? The dictates of fashion is not our thing. And we know the risk of matching lacquer to lipstick: it's boring and far from glam. Where's the spontaneity? We wear lipstick for a day, an hour, an evening, while our lacquer can last four to five days. Systematically matching them does not necessarily make sense.

But there's one exception: red! Red Mouth, red nails: This timeless look is a must; it's sophisticated without excess and undeniably chic. As you can see, it is always a good idea.

Matching Your Look

While your lipstick color may vary, your overall look is probably a bit more permanent. We know what colors and shades are good for us, as we wear them regularly. It's probably more relevant to adapt our nail polish to our style of dress.

And then, as much as we will often confine ourselves to lipsticks beige, pink or red, the palette of lacquers is infinite. You can vary the pleasures by daring new shades. And it's fun. Why not get out of your comfort zone and enjoy yourself? Makeup also makes it possible to assume and dare. Associations can be crazy, what do you think? Red, fuchsia, blue, green, yellow, flashy violet: lacquer allows everything.

But we stick to our convictions.

On the other hand, we've got some major expectations. A green lipstick must be paired with a natural polish! With ALL TIGERS, you can always choose from the sublime color range of our green lacquer. Our values and our beliefs hold on to the idea of a healthy and natural formula. If lacquers cannot be labeled organic, they can (and should always!) be without a number of very questionable components.

Is it worth going over all the dubious ingredients found in conventional lacquers? Our choice was vegan, to get rid of animal-based ingredients.

Once you've got it, do what you want, as you want! Match your lipstick to your lacquer only if you wish... The point isn't to follow the trends, but to be an independent and glamorous woman! Live Fully. Yourself. :D 

Match Your Lacquer to Your Look 

Nail polish is the final touch to making an outfit. It can make any look discreetly elegant or downright rebellious. When lacquer is no longer neglected, it becomes a fashion accessory, like a pair of earrings. The color of your lacquer completes your outfit.

Your nails should ideally complement the colors of your clothes, or, at least, your purse! Also, your choice of lacquer is important. Your lacquer (green, we said!) should always be one of quality and a carefully selected shade to avoid a fashion faux pas—definitely important for a rockin' outfit! To do so, pay close attention to the color as well as the texture of your lacquer.

What Lacquer Colors Should You Adopt?

For the spring / summer season, 3 colors are particularly popular:

- Red, timeless (and terribly chic with a perfectly painted mouth)

- Coral, soft, fresh, natural, and Pantone's color of the year

- Flashy pink or fuchsia, for a nice punch!

That's right! Just like this season's lipsticks, we find lacquers that are preppy, pastel, or chic. However, this season's trendy colors aren't the only ones you can choose from.

In fact, you can opt for a neutral, transparent, or light pink nail lacquer. Nude blush is ideal if you don't have the time to redo your manicure and want to add a hint of natural to your look. The French manicure, on the other hand, is always great for a top finish.

Staying within the color family is comforting and low risk. Let's take coral, for example. If you wear something this color, you can choose from similar hues such as a coral itself, or a red or orange for your nails. A trendy and complementary pair!

Choosing completely different shades is, on the other hand, a daring bet. To avoid a beauty faux pas avoid mixing cold tones (with hues of blue) with warm tones (such as red).

As you can see, choosing the right nail lacquer color is nothing wacky: it should just match who you are. No worries about the rest (as long as the varnish is green! Yes I know, I insist).

The Different Textures of Nail Lacquer

If the color is essential for a defined and successful look, the nail lacquer texture is to be taken into consideration. Classic lacquer finishes are matte, sheer and pearl. Matte has become the go-to for a natural look and an elegant finish. Sheer finishes are discreet and classy. Finally, pearl finishes are lighter, synonymous with summer and parties.

Finally, should we match lacquer to lipstick? Apart from red that gives that extra touch of glam from head to foot, the answer is NO. On the other hand, matching your lipstick and lacquer to your everyday look is a great idea to look put-together! But one thing's for sure: green on lips and fingernails, that's what counts!  

What about you? Do you match lipstick to your nail lacquer? Do you like your colors to contrast? What do you think of the trendy shades of this spring / summer?

Whether you're #TeamMatch or #TeamFree, the queen of the jungle is YOU. You want to take the reins of ALL TIGERS? There’s one thing you can do: follow us on Instagram and let your voice be heard.  We consult our community every step of the way. Ready to roar? ROAARRR!  

[Photo Jonas Zurcher]



Bonjour et pour l’hiver quel sera la valeur sur et niveau couleur quel teinte dois ont choisir pour être a la mode Merci


Bonjour es cet hiver quel es la bonne association pour les pieds et les mains quel serons les couleur pour cet automne/hiver Merci Gaëlle


Non je vous demandais juste s’il fallait que je porte une couleur orange comme couleur de vernis à ongles ou une couleur qui tranche moins oui par exemple le corail pourquoi, et quanf ont a les mains plutôt blanches quel couleur privilégier Merci


Bonjour Russo

Oui absolument le vernis corail est parfait sur peau hâlée, ce qui explique son succès cet été, c’est l’un de nos best-sellers depuis début juillet.


Bonjour j’ai une peau hale es ce que la couleur orange peut aller avec mes tenu ou faut il que je choisisse un autre couleur de verni.

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