Nail lacquer? A concentration of potentially toxic ingredients. So it's been determined: ALL TIGERS will launch its line of eco-friendly, vegan, and fiercely stylish nail lacquer. And this polish will be yours: help us make the right decisions by responding to our EXHAUSTIVE SURVEY to find the ideal nail lacquer and contribute to the creation of ALL TIGERS' nail lacquer.
And to share a bit more with you about what keeps us going, here are 4 reasons why we've decided to launch our very own nail lacquer.

Because You Asked For It!
As you know, the community is behind ALL TIGERS lipstick. For months on Instagram passionate people gave us their feedback, shared with us their opinions, and approved every stage of development, until the official birth of the perfect eco-friendly and vegan lipstick that's fiercely stylish.
Shortly after, as early as September, we asked: what's next? What would be the next step after liquid lipstick...? That's when the game began. Different types of lipsticks? Lip gloss? Liners? Mascara? Lacquer? Skin care? Shampoo? We left the field of possibilities open. No reason to lock ourselves in any specific plan, it all depends on what the community wants.
Traditionally, when a cosmetic brand takes on a big project, they keep it to themselves. Top Secret. Classified. Us? We just asked you the question. Because experience has taught us that it's our collective intelligence that will allow us to create an excellent product.
Respond to our Exhaustive Survey to find the ideal nail lacquer
Every time we could, we interviewed you to find out what would come next. Insta surveys, satisfaction questionnaires: every time, nail lacquer found itself on top, just before mascara and classic stick lipstick (and far in front of lip liner, lip gloss and the rest).

One of our final Instagram polls on the ALL TIGERS page
Because the Research Process Flew By
At the same time, we went to the leading expert laboratories for natural polishes and initiated a series of blind tests, to determine the best formulas possible. We wanted to find something vegan and as natural as possible, but where women do not see any difference with their usual nail polish.
Of course, creating a natural nail lacquer means making more compromises than with a conventional polish. We couldn't get rid of synthetic completely, which is a must for color quality and wear. And you've got to hold on to your expectations, which makes perfect sense. So we can substitute a maximum of natural ingredients and rid the formula of a whole lot of questionable components. 7-free, 8-free, 10-free lacquer was brought up, which rids the formula of a certain number of controversial components commonly present in regular polish.
Different options are now available, and we're giving you the power: Through our survey and Instagram in the upcoming weeks, you will help us carve the path towards wishes and your convictions, and assist in the choice of our color range.
Because Nail Lacquer Is One of the Most Potentially Toxic Cosmetics
But where's all this interest in nail polish coming from? Like lipstick, conventional polish formulas are very questionable.
We have already devoted an article to the composition of nail polish. Read it here. A clue: classic formulas are not far from industrial paints—in short, very synthetic! We expect the same shine, the same wear, and the same smoothness as some of these paints. Resins, plasticizers, solvents, forming agents, practically all the ingredients in standard nail polishes are to blame for potential cancer-causing agents, irritants, neurotoxins, and hormone disruptors. A fair amount to worry about.
For example, in November 2017, the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) issued a warning for nail salon employees: "60 of these 700 substances were considered to be of high concern by the highest hazard class." Since then, what has changed? Nothing, but now nail salon employees wear masks. All those who find it reassuring raise your hand...Yeah. And while this is specific to professional polishes, the formulas we use at home are not so different.
Because With Nail Lacquer, We Declare That "Color is Power."
Color gives birth to emotion. It's the heart of our work with ALL TIGERS lipsticks. Intense, high-coverage statement-making color acts as a way to reveal a personality; it boosts self-confidence. Our lipsticks are there to shout loud and clear. "Color is power" is a regular claim for ALL TIGERS.
So nail lacquer seems like the logical step, the extension of our vision of color. And no, we do not advocate matching lip and lacquer—it's much more than that!
We believe that behind our choice of colors, underpinned by eco-friendly and vegan formulas, we share an important message regarding respect for our users, one that is about powerful femininity, determination, commitment. Sometimes defending one's territory is necessary, if it's about something we truly believe in with all our strength. Now tigers can bare their claws out in style and in accordance with their beliefs.
Ready to join us? You want to take the reins of ALL TIGERS? Respond to our survey on the perfect nail lacquer or follow us on Instagram and let your voice be heard. We consult our community every step of the way. Ready to roar? ROAARRR!
Photo: Elena Taranenko